Valerie + Joshua’s Alaskan Anniversary Session in the Mountains

Valerie and Joshua planned an anniversary trip to Alaska, and contacted me shortly after. We planned an adventure in the mountains and on the coast as soon as they were dropped off in Anchorage after their cruise. (I hear those are amazing). I had a brand new puppy riding around in my bag and we spent a few hours together before they had to be dropped off at the airport. I love when people visit Alaska, and I love when people are down to hike through mountains and thickets with me. Those views are always worth it.

December 23, 2016

Liisa+Håvard’s Intimate Norwegian Backyard Wedding


I can’t even begin to describe my love for Liisa and Håvard. And yet, I still can’t properly pronounce his name. It was one morning last year that I awoke to a message from Liisa, whom I hadn’t heard from in a good year or two. We met in the States some years ago with a shared love for photography. When we discussed my coming to Estonia for her Tuesday evening, backyard wedding, I realized it would be nearly impossible. I had already been booked the Friday before her wedding in Alaska, and the Saturday after in Ohio. That is half the world away and I like to give myself lots of wiggle room for traveling between weddings, just in case. But I was determined to be there, because I knew Liisa’s wedding would be something so very special. Much planning, many plane tickets, and not even 24 hours later, I was set to shoot in Estonia. Fast forward a few months and I am leaving a wedding in Anchorage to run home and backup images, before immediately boarding a red eye that had connections all the way until Monday evening. Håvard is Norwegian, and Liisa loves to visit him in Norway, but they decided to have their wedding in Estonia because Norway is known to have some temperamental weather, whereas Estonia does not. But Monday night it poured. And in continued to pour. Tuesday morning as Liisa got dressed, water droplets pelted agains her win. But it didn’t spoil anyone’s joy even for a moment. It rained so hard at the reception that you couldn’t even hear the person beside you speaking, but everyone laughed and ate while the candlelight burned and the stars emerged. Liisa and Håvard’s families began treating me as one of their own from the moment I arrived, until the brief two days later when I left, and I will never forget it. Their wedding day was short and sweet, not because of the rain, but because they were most excited to fellowship together around the dinner table. So the next day Liisa, Håvard, and I headed out for a few more photos. In my opinion, the wedding was perfection, and the following day was perfection, but the howling rain made for some lifetime memories.



Estonia Norwegian Intimate Backyard Elopement

December 4, 2016

Amanda + Sean’s LA Engagement Session

I’m trying to be on my blogging game more! So, bless your eyes with the beauty that is Amanda and Sean. These two love birds got engaged not too long ago in the midwest, but for their photo session they wanted a change of scenery. So after some planning and a few plane rides, I found myself meeting up with them down in LA to document their love. We walked down cute streets, played at Laguna Beach and took in the beautiful sunsets at Griffith Observatory.


October 27, 2016

Kelsey + Mikey’s Cozy Plant Sanctuary

Oh these two make my heart so happy. Kelsey, Mikey, and I have a pretty regular yearly meet up. It goes something like this: I tell them during my travels that I will suddenly be near them and that we must see each other, and they always make time for me last minute. I go to their beautiful home, Kelsey brews me coffee and Mikey offers me food. We laugh, we talk about cacti and free people, and then we get down to photo business. I mean, can you blame me? Just look at them. And also feast your eyes on the lusciousness that is their apartment. Indiana, you are so lucky to have these two humans reside in your state.

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October 25, 2016

Hawaiian Recharge

Hey everyone!

So, it’s been quite a while since I’ve blogged. Life has taken some crazy turns. I moved to Alaska, I finally went full-time freelance, and I felt like I had a handle on life. And then, every piece of my equipment and backups were stolen at one point, insurance refused to help me, and then I fell into quite a depression. I had no ability or desire to create new work, and I felt like I had failed, I 100% blamed myself and felt I didn’t deserve to go on with photography. Through the help of friends and people who wanted to see me get back on my feet, I was able to repurchase my basics and go on a trip to create all new work. I gained many new clients and friends over the past 6 months, and I am so grateful for everything that has happened since. I wanted to start blogging again, because of the push from many people. I often feel there’s no point because who knows if anyone even reads it. But now I realize, even if it’s only the handful of people who continuously send me messages asking me to blog, that’s ok. Because it’s because of them that I am able to keep doing what I love. I am so grateful for where I am now, and I want to be able to share that. I wouldn’t be on my way to a gig in Estonia, uploading this post from the Copenhagen airport if it weren’t for you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. For encouragements, prayers, and selfless hearts.

Below is a collection of images from a week-long shoot with model, Stacie Elmer. She was awesome to work with, and we did some shoots for some fantastic companies: Death to Stock (who helped so generously with repurchasing of some new gear for me in exchange for photos), Brandy Melville, Alex+Ani, Kit&Ace, Midori, Triangl, & more, who provided us the opportunity to go and create new work, at a time when I thought I would quit. After this trip, I felt alive again. I was on fire. There was no way I was going to let a little trouble stop me, that’s never been who I am. Hell or high water, I will fight for what I am passionate about. I hope you enjoy the first of many blogs to come from all the work I’ve been doing this summer.


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August 15, 2016